How to Actually Relax This Holiday Season (Without Feeling Guilty!)
The holiday season is supposed to be magical, right? But for so many of us, it just feels like one giant to-do list. There’s the shopping, the baking, the decorating, the endless events, and if you’re anything like me, you’re also trying to keep everyone happy and make everything perfect. And, well, if we’re being honest, that’s exhausting!
But here’s the thing, friend—our families don’t really need perfect. They need present. They need happy. And they need us to not totally lose our minds by December 25th.
That’s why today, I want to talk about how you can actually take a step back and relax this holiday season—without feeling one ounce of guilt. Because guess what? You’re worth it. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself IS taking care of the people you love.
Tip #1: Take Care of Your Body First
Before you do anything else, I want you to think about this question—what would happen if your body gave out on you tomorrow? The holiday season can be hard on our health if we’re not careful—late nights, sugary treats, and stress can quickly wear us down. Try to focus on the basics first. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep at night, drinking plenty of water, and eating nutrient-rich foods most of the time. And you know what? It’s also okay to enjoy that peppermint mocha or sugar cookie without guilt. Balance, not perfection, is the goal.
Tip #2: Build in Small Moments of Self-Care
Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to mean booking a full day at the spa (although that sounds dreamy, doesn’t it?). The truth is, most of us don’t have an entire day to spare. But you can build in small moments of joy—like soaking in a bubble bath, diffusing some essential oils, or spending five quiet minutes journaling or meditating. Think of it as pressing the reset button so you can handle whatever comes next.
Tip #3: Shop Smart to Save Time and Stress
Holiday shopping is one of the biggest stressors during this season. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself wandering the mall on December 24th, feeling panicked, overspending, and buying things you don’t really need. Here’s a tip—make a list, set a budget, and stick to it. Shop online whenever possible, and don’t be afraid to opt for meaningful, less expensive gifts instead of going overboard. The thoughtfulness behind a gift is what matters most.
Tip #4: Savor the Festive Moments
When was the last time you just enjoyed the holiday magic? Take time to really soak in the simple, beautiful parts of the season. Put on your favorite holiday playlist, enjoy a peppermint latte, and take your family driving around to look at Christmas lights. Start traditions that fill you with joy, whether it’s decorating the tree, hosting a cookie exchange, or just watching your favorite holiday movie with a big bowl of popcorn. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy to be meaningful.
Tip #5: Focus on Gratitude
Sometimes, the best way to feel lighter is to remember what you’re thankful for. Even during the most stressful moments, taking time to remind yourself of your blessings can shift your mindset and bring you peace. Grab a notebook and write down three things you’re grateful for each day leading up to Christmas—you might be surprised how quickly it changes your perspective!
Tip #6: Create a Simplified Holiday Schedule
Say it with me—you don’t have to do it all. Really, you don’t. Sit down and prioritize the events and traditions that truly matter to you and your family. Give yourself permission to say no to anything that feels like a guilt-laden obligation. The truth is, if you’re just going through the motions, it’s not bringing joy to anyone (least of all, you). A simpler calendar = more room to breathe.
Tip #7: Be Intentional with Your Social Time
If you’ve got a packed social calendar, ask yourself this—are these events filling you up or draining you? Spend your time with the people who bring out the best in you and make you laugh until your cheeks hurt. If big parties aren’t your thing, that’s okay too! Small coffee dates, quiet evenings at home, or heart-to-heart conversations with a close friend can feel just as fulfilling (if not more).
Tip #8: Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
Repeat after me—You don’t have to do everything yourself. Your family is more capable than you think, and getting everyone involved doesn’t just lighten your load; it also makes the holidays more meaningful for everyone. Divide and conquer the gift-wrapping, meal prep, decorating, or even cleanup after a party. Teamwork makes the holiday dream work, my friend!
Tip #9: Choose Progress Over Perfection
We all have that picture in our heads—the perfectly decorated tree, the decadently frosted cookies, the Norman Rockwell-worthy family moments. But life isn’t a Hallmark movie, and often, the messiest moments turn into the sweetest memories. Focus on enjoying the process rather than achieving an impossible standard, and you might just find more magic in the beautifully imperfect.
Tip #10: Limit Screen Time
It’s so easy to get sucked into the comparison trap during the holidays—one quick scroll through social media, and suddenly, you’re second-guessing everything. Here’s a thought—what if this season, you spent less time scrolling and more time living? Turn off your phone, step away from the screens, and make a point to be present with the people around you. Moments of connection will always beat likes and comments.
Tip #11: Carve Out Time for Reflection
The holidays are a natural marker of time, so why not use them to reflect on the past year? Take a moment to pause and think about your wins, your challenges, and how far you’ve come. Whether you journal, pray, meditate, or talk it out with a trusted friend, giving yourself this time to process can bring a deep sense of peace and clarity as you move into the new year.
Tip #12: Remember What This Season Is All About
At the heart of it all, the holidays aren’t really about the gifts or the glitter—they’re about love, togetherness, and celebration. Whatever your personal traditions or beliefs, take time to connect with the deeper meaning of the season. Whether it’s through volunteering, attending a religious service, or simply spending extra quality time with loved ones, those are the moments that truly matter.
You Deserve to Enjoy the Holidays
Here’s the bottom line—taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give your family this holiday season. When you choose to slow down and enjoy the little things, you’re creating a happy, joy-filled home where love and connection can thrive.
And friend, you absolutely deserve to feel calm and joyful (not just for the holidays, but all year long). I hope these tips give you the permission you’ve been waiting for to finally take a breath, set the endless list aside, and truly relax this holiday season.
Remember, with prayer and living in the present moment, you can conquer the holiday stress and truly make this season your calmest (and brightest) one yet.