15 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Revive Your Yellowing Spider Plant
Spider plants are one of the most popular houseplants and can easily thrive in a wide range of conditions. But what does it mean when the leaves turn yellow? Is it dead?
If you’ve ever looked at your yellow spider plant and thought, “Why can’t I just have one normal houseplant that doesn’t require any special care?” then don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many women find themselves struggling to keep their plant’s leaves green.
But what does it mean when the leaves turn yellow? Is it dead? The leaves may be turning yellow because of too much sunlight or too little water, or it could be a symptom of a nutrient problem.
Let’s find out more about why your spider plant is turning yellow!
Why is my spider plant turning yellow?
If your spider plant’s leaves are turning yellow, you may be wondering if this means your plant is dead. Although all the green parts of the plant are connected to one another through photosynthesis, each part functions separately. This means that although your spider plant has yellow leaves, it may still be alive and healthy.
What does it mean when the whole spider plant is turning yellow?
When the whole plant turns yellow, there’s likely something wrong with either your water or light. Spider plants prefer bright to moderate sunlight and should never be exposed to direct sunlight as this could damage their leaves. If you’re providing your spider plant with too little light, the leaves may appear pale and yellow. They will be able to bounce back if you move them into a brighter location!
On the other hand, spider plants should not be watered from the top as their roots are susceptible to crown rot. Make sure to water your spider plant thoroughly until water comes out of the bottom holes, then wait for the soil to dry out before watering again. It’s best not to water your plant too much!
Is my Spider plant sick?
Spider plants often lose some of their lower leaves as they grow, but this doesn’t mean that your spider plant is sick! In fact, many types of spider plants are known to shed their lower leaves as part of their natural growth cycle. The brown leaves that fall off will serve as nitrogen to fertilize the plant and help it grow strong and healthy.
What to do if my spider plant is turning yellow?
If the yellow leaves are accompanied by wilting, then your spider plant may be water-stressed or overwatered. In this case, cut back on watering and allow the soil to dry out a bit before you water your spider plant again!
On the other hand, if your spider plant has recently been moved to a new location with different lighting conditions, you may need to provide more or less light! Be sure to evaluate your plant’s lighting and water needs as these factors will have a significant effect on its coloring.
Is my spider plant dying?
If you notice that your lower leaves are turning yellow and falling off but the rest of the plant is healthy, then there’s probably nothing wrong with your spider plant! Sometimes, spider plants will shed their lower leaves to conserve energy in order to survive in low-light or crowded conditions.
If you notice that the whole plant is turning yellow and it looks like it’s dying off, cut back on watering and allow the soil to dry out before watering again. This should help the spider plant bounce back!
If, after evaluating your spider plant’s water and lighting needs, you still notice that the leaves are turning yellow, then it may be receiving too much light! Be sure to move your spider plant to a more brightly lit area so that its green can return.
Evaluating my spider plant after I’ve watered it
When you water your spider plant, do you notice that the soil feels dry before you water it? If so, then there’s a good chance that your spider plant is receiving too much light and not enough water. Be sure to move your plant into a brighter location while also allowing the soil to fully dry out before watering again!
My spider plant still looks like it’s dying after I’ve watered it
If you notice the leaves of your spider plant turning yellow and falling off, this likely means that either your soil is contaminated with a fungus or has been overwatered. Spider plants should be kept in moist but not wet soil at all times, so it’s best to err on the side of too little water.
While spider plants can be susceptible to crown rot, you should never over-water your plant in an attempt to avoid this! Overwatering a spider plant is one of the leading causes of root rot and death.
What type of water should I use with a spider plant?
Spider plants prefer rain, distilled, or filtered water. This is because the minerals in tap water can build up in the soil and damage their sensitive roots. If you’re using tap water to water your spider plant, allow your water to sit overnight so the chlorine dissipates.
Also, Spider plants appreciate room temperature water.

How often should I water my spider plant?
Spider plants should be watered thoroughly until water comes out the bottom of the pot, but left to dry out completely before being watered again. This usually amounts to about once a week or more in hotter weather and less frequently in cooler temperatures! If your spider plant is outdoors on a hot day, you might consider giving it a ‘shower’ to cool it off!
When should I cut back on watering my spider plant?
If water comes out of the bottom of your pot, then there’s no need to water your spider plant again. In fact, you should only be watering your spider plant when the soil is fully dry and the leaves start to wrinkle or become limp.
Is the air too dry for my spider plant?
Spider plants thrive in humid, tropical conditions and will wilt if the air is too dry. Be sure to mist your spider plant or run a humidifier nearby to ensure that the air around it stays moist and healthy!
Is it too cold for my spider plant?
Spider plants are tropical plants and will not fare well in cold weather! They need plenty of bright light (preferably in direct sunlight) and warmth to keep them healthy. If you notice your spider plant wilting or turning yellow, then it’s probably too cold for your plant!
Is it too hot for my spider plant?
Spider plants will do fine in average household temperatures, but if the air around your plant feels hot to the touch it may be too hot for your spider plant! Spider plants are tropical plants and will not fare well in high heat.
If your spider plant turns brown or black around the edges, this may be caused by dry air. Allow your spider plant to ‘rest’ in a cooler area for a few days before returning it to its normal location.
Did I over-fertilize my spider plant?
Spider plants are rapid growers, so it’s natural for them to need plenty of fertilizer! If you notice your leaves turning yellow and curling inwards, this may mean that there is too much fertilizer in the soil! Be sure to only use diluted fertilizers or fertilizer pellets with your spider plant.
Is my spider plant turning yellow because of pests?
Spider plants are pretty easy to care for and pests rarely cause problems with a spider plant. If your spider plant is having a problem, the first thing you should check is if it has been overwatered or overfed. Spider plants prefer being watered from the bottom of the pot by setting them in a saucer of water. If this doesn’t work, be sure to check the plant for bugs or insects that may be eating away at your plant!
Can my yellow spider plant turn green again?
If your spider plant has turned mostly yellow, you should begin adding fertilizer to the soil while reducing the frequency of water. This will make sure that your spider plant gets everything it needs for a healthy recovery!
The leaves that have already yellowed will not turn green again. Simply trim off the yellow leaves allowing more water and nutrients to feed the healthy leaves and produce more growth.
Is my spider plant turning yellow because it’s old?
If your spider plant has been around for a few years, it’s likely that the leaves will eventually start turning yellow. This is totally normal and does not mean that your spider plant is dying! If this happens to your plant, simply trim off the dead leaves and carry on with regular watering and feeding schedules!
Final thoughts on why is my spider plant turning yellow
Spider plants are one of the most popular house plants and they have many amazing benefits, too.
Despite the fact that your spider plant is turning yellow, it doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of it!
There are many reasons why this may be happening, and with a few easy fixes, your plant can be back on track. Keep watering the soil only when it is dry and make sure not to add too much fertilizer to avoid further leaf damage.
With a little bit of TLC, your spider plant will be thriving in no time!